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Pace’s Use of Technology on Display at Microsoft Ignite Conference

When working with children in need of extra attention and care, it is essential to have the necessary tools and equipment to prevent potential challenges. To ensure that all technology runs smoothly, Pace has turned to Microsoft products like Teams to provide consistency and ease of learning in both the classroom and at home.

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Pace Celebrates Believing in Girls Month and Women’s History Month

Women's History Month Pace Center for Girls
Pace Center for Girls graduates await their future which is full of opportunities that are only available to them due to heroes that we celebrate during Women’s History Month

March marks the beginning of Women’s History Month as we commemorate and celebrate women’s critical role throughout history. In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis declared March as “Believing in Girls Month,” recognizing the positive impact women have made in all aspects of modern life and the importance young women, leaders of the next generation, be provided with the tools they need to be successful.

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